Here's what's on in March at SF Creative Writing Institute
March Creative Writing Three Free Workshops + One Paid one March + April 2025 Dear Writers, Happy March! I hope you are staying creative amid all the chaos out there. I'm writing to let you know about free creative writing classes we are offering as part of our City Stories Workshop - and a new partnership with University of San Francisco's MFA Program in Creative Writing this March. All three workshops will be taught by USF MFA graduate students in Creative Writing. These students are also...
23 days ago • 6 min readDrop-In Writing Workshop Tomorrow at 2pm at the Harvey Milk Center
Join us tomorrow! Sign Up Dear Bay Area Writers, Join us tomorrow afternoon for our February Drop-In Writing Workshop at Harvey Milk Center for the Arts at 50 Scott Street with the esteemed poet and beloved Teacher Paul Corman-Roberts. He'll have writing prompts, camaraderie and support. Just $40 for the workshop. Each instructor brings their own unique perspective to the drop-in workshop. About Paul Corman-Roberts Paul Corman-Roberts has coached many poets to publication, from chapbooks to...
about 1 month ago • 1 min readJanuary was a long year but we made it! - February Creative Writing Newsletter
Dear Writers, I don't know about you, but it felt like this past January was the longest month of my life. I got the flu and recovered. Took 2-3 weeks to get better, and while in my sick bed, I watched LA burn, got TikTok taken away, then got it back, watched the inauguration and now through my phone and TV, I am witnessing all the changes taking place in our government. It's hard not to doom scroll. As a creative writer and person, I'm trained to notice detail, and being sensitive is a gift...
about 2 months ago • 4 min readJoin us for Drop-In Writing Workshop Tomorrow at 2pm w/ Paul
Drop-In Writing Workshop #2 Creative Writing Workshop tomorrow at 2pm - 50 Scott St. San Francisco Tuition: $40 Sign Up Dear Writers, Join us tomorrow for our second and final drop-in workshop this month. We're going to try to offer two drop-in's per month. They're a great non-committal way to show up with a journal and write to prompts in community. We share work aloud and everyone leaves with that fresh "having written" feeling. Each instructor brings their own unique perspective to the...
2 months ago • 1 min readHappy New Year, Writers!
SF Creative Writing Institute Peptalks Editing Workshops Events Happy New Year, writer! Dear Writers, I've been recovering from an intense 2024 but I would like to pop up and wish you all a beautiful, successful and inspiring year ahead. Keep writing in 2025! Write in your journal, on a napkin, on the computer, in a cafe, in your home, at the kitchen table, on the beach, in the library. Keep working on your memoir, your screenplay, your poems, your novel. I will too! If you haven't been...
3 months ago • 1 min readSupporting SF Creative Writing Institute this Year - Giving Tuesday
Dear Writers, Our lives are made up of stories. And stories shape how we see the world. At SF Creative Writing Institute, we teach writers of all ages and walks of life how to tell stories. Stories are made up of words, but they urge us to envision a scenario beyond words. Being able to find, rediscover and use your voice and tell your story is so important. SF Creative Writing Institute is here to help you keep going! Next year, SF Creative Writing Institute turns ten! We have our own...
4 months ago • 1 min readGoals are there to stretch you + Litcrawl reading tonight 6:30 & Newsletter
Dear Writers, October is here and Fall is a great time for setting or reviewing writing goals. But, what if we don’t make them all? Then, comes the inevitable guilt or self doubt. I also didn’t completely make all of mine (yet). But I got farther than I would have if I didn’t have any goals. I stretched myself. Here are two secrets I’ve learned as a life-long artist and writer: Goals are here to guide us, and we must have stamina It’s not just the destination of having written a book, but the...
5 months ago • 3 min readDon't Give Up! A Peptalk from SF Creative Writing Institute
Dear Writers, Here is a pep-talk if you ever feel like quitting. This feeling has washed over me as a writer and a creative person many times. I think it’s a common thread with all creatives. Whenever we are almost there or really making progress, is exactly when the overwhelming feeling of quitting creeps up. What if I go all the way, and I fail? What if I go out of business. What if I put full effort and self out there as a fiction writer and a poet, and arts curator, and a small business...
6 months ago • 6 min readIntro to Fiction begins this Saturday at SFCWI in Duboce Park
Dear Bay Area Writers, Just as we wind up our summer workshops - our fall ones begin. This weekend is the unofficial start to our fall season at the SF Creative Writing Institute at Harvey Milk Center. Sept 14 - Intro to Fiction 2-4:30pm (This Saturday!) If you've ever been curious what it's like to work with a professional editor who acquires genre fiction or a novelist who has written and published 10 novels and 100+ short stories been in your shoes, consider taking this workshop with Nick...
7 months ago • 1 min readKeep Writing! - Beast Crawl & SFCWI Present: San Francisco Writers. July 27. 5:30pm-6:30pm. Oakland
Dear Writers, This is your sign from the universe to keep writing! You never know who your words will reach and inspire. Here's an update about the SF Creative Writing Institute: We're having a cool but productive summer here in San Francisco. I started teaching Method Writing last week to an amazing new group of writers who all came together at the right place and right time to find and rediscover their voices. I'm working on polishing up and editing my own novel alongside the writers in my...
8 months ago • 4 min read